What’s in a novel title?

Hopefully your book title is unique, for starters.

Within a month (unless a major publisher from India bangs on my door–a long shot), I will ePub my middle grade/YA novel NIGHT OF THE PURPLE MOON. The title is less than a month old. Previously it was BOOK FOR TOUCAN.

In any event, a thought popped up this morning. What if that title is already taken? A quick search revealed it was taken! But by a musician. Not just any musician. But one of the craziest, most influential jazz artists ever, SUN RA.

This was a very good omen. I saw SUN RA live back in the day, once or twice, when one of my cultured friends dragged me there. I was grateful then. And I am very grateful now to know there is some link, some vibe going on with me and SUN RA.

More on SUN RA here