Workaday Reads on Night of the Purple Moon

The science of the story was explained quite simply, and in a believable matter. I really appreciate that it wasn’t dumbed down for younger readers. In fact, none of the story had any of the lacking that is present in many MG/young YA stories. The characters were well developed with unique personalities, and the plot had no major holes.



Signed Colony East / Night of the Purple Moon bookmarks

scott cramer bookmark front1 (2)

These bookmarks came out great. I will send (through the U.S. mail) a signed bookmark to the *** first 25 people *** who do one of the following:

1. Send your address to Please put The Toucan Trilogy in the subject line, or

2. Message me your postal address on my author facebook page: (PLEASE... use the “message” button on the upper right part of the page in facebook. That keeps your message private. If you put the information in my timeline, then the information becomes public. (If that happens, don’t worry, I’ll delete it)

All the best, and thank you for being a reader

Scott C

Ps. Will I send bookmarks outside the United States? Possibly. I have shipped books to Brazil and Bulgaria and know that some rates are very high. So I would like to leave it up to my discretion if you live in a remote corner of the planet.



‘All We Have Is Stories’… reviews NOPM

The Night of the Purple Moon was full of kindness and bravery, as the children fought to live life the best they could for as long as possible. Watching them relying on each other and finding there places in the new world was heart warming. It was a real eye opener in the things we take for granted in daily life. The characters where very relate-able in their emotions however one of my issues with the book was that all of the children where really intelligent and mature for there age and didn’t talk like any children I have ever met of their respective ages, one precocious child is believable a whole island of them isn’t. I was also a little confused with Abby’s age, at the beginning of the book she was thirteen and at the end of the book, over a year later, she was still thirteen. Despite my issues with the book it was a great read that i found hard to put down and i’m really looking forward to the sequel and seeing where the author takes it. I would recommend this book to YA and science fiction readers.

Read review

Underground Book Reviews: Review & interview

Night of the Purple Moon has all the elements of a successful book. The pace is fast and enthralling, the characters are likable, hard-working and kind and the premise is killer. What child hasn’t fantasied about a world with no parents? I found myself wondering what would happen to my own children if suddenly this sort of thing were to occur. How would children survive without the adults that shepherd them? Cramer sets up his much tamer Lord of the Flies well, guiding us through each step of their new found independence so we can picture Abby’s world and wonder what might become of our own should a tragedy of this magnitude befall us.

Read rest of review


NOPM helps blogger cope with dentist

Reading Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer – I barely ever accept review copies from self-published authors, but Scott Cramer’s polite e-mail and summary of his debut novel made me interested enough to tell him I’d take an e-book and try to get round to it in the following few months. A couple of days after that, I had a dentist’s appointment and started reading it on the Kindle app for my iPod while waiting. I raced through it so quickly that I lost all track of where I was (impressive, as I hate going to the dentist!)

Ten ten bookish moments

First 100 Pages book review blog

Night of the Purple Moon by Scott Cramer is an amazing read that truly crosses genre lines. It’s geared toward middle grade, but anyone that enjoys a good dystopian novel will love it. Scott writes in such a way that you are pulled into the story in very few pages. When I finished the book, which was very soon after picking it up, I couldn’t believe how few pages he used to weave the amazing story!

See review


Interview @ Indie Books R Us

1.     This idea is terrifying. What inspired you to write it?

I’ve written two other YA novels. Both are sitting in my drawer. I think they have a lot of potential and I will revisit them someday. Both are very quiet character-driven dramas.

In Night of the Purple Moon, I wanted to go big. I wanted to write a high-concept story, a story with an expansive canvas, where the challenges are huge and the stakes high. Early on, though, I discovered that it still had to be a character-driven story.

Read the rest of the interview