Eden Chip reviews: NetGalley

Ooo! This was soo freaking good. It was fast paced and had a well thought out premise.
I wasn’t sure about it at first, but I’m glad I finished it.
Can’t wait to read more from this author.


I would recommend this book to others. Set in 2055, the story centers on Raissa, Caleb, and Ashimov working in some way towards the creation or destruction of the next version chip. Each chapter tells the story from a different point of view and sometimes, the view shifts in the middle of a chapter and in the midst of a circumstance. I found this style of writing to be engaging and unique from all of the other stories I’ve read. The scene is shockingly realistic and leads to a grim reality towards the end of the novel. I found it difficult to follow all the ‘ware’ updates and I also found the love story a little cliche and predictable, but the descriptions and writing style made it a book I could not put down.


Not a new story but well done in execution.
Big data with ‘thoughts’. 🙂 Raissa is also likable in her development. A gripping plot made this an enjoyable trip to the future!


Copy given by Netgalley in return for honest review.
I enjoy a bit of dystopia, and was compelled to request this book by a growing unease relating to AI and nanotechnology.
It was excellent, essentially a love story and the ‘science ‘ wasn’t too hard to follow for the ‘challenged’., like me 🙂