Eden Chip review: What Emma Read Next


The premise of this one is great – and one that you can totally see coming in the future which is equally exciting and terrifying! One thing I liked, in particular, was that even though it is based in a dystopian future, there are several themes that ring bells and I love that as it makes it so relatable.

This is a face paced book with the twists and turns that I love in a book – books that keep you guessing all the way through, whether it ends as anticipated or not, are my favorite kind!

Despite the warning above, I didn’t find the “techno-speak” too bad and was able to keep up with pretty much all of it which made for easier reading!

The characters were colorful – I had to admit to being a little bored of the ‘orphaned-cum-saviour-of-the-universe’ idea, but it does make a good story!

I enjoyed it and would recommend to all dystopian YA fans!

3.5 Stars