Eden Chip review: The Avid Reader

The Avid Reader Review

In 2055 nanochips are placed in the human brain that can change a person’s religious beliefs or make them happy when they are sad. Not everyone likes having their emotions controlled.

There are groups out there who want to change the world and give everyone their freedom back. Eighteen year old Raissa sets out to change the world and help people take back their freedom.

The people that are helping Raissa change the world is not totally honest with her and things don’t turn out quite the way she thought they would. Raissa must change her game plan if she is going to save the people she has come to care about in a short time.

When I read the summary for Eden Chip I thought I have got to read this with all the technology found in it like nanochips place in a human brain and then being able to download software that can change the way you feel or even download a virus. I really enjoyed the baby making software, now that was so cool.

Eden Chip will keep you on the edge of your seat just trying to figure out what is going on and where it is taking you next. It will keep you guessing right up until the end and let me tell you that ending will blow your mind.

Eden Chip is for anyone who likes technology, software, viruses or just loves a great science fiction novel.