Night of the Purple Moon Review by “Girl of 1000 Wonders.”

I discovered an interesting review of the Night of the Purple Moon by a blogger who says: I read and write reviews for the enjoyment it gives me. I do this for fun.I have a love for the written word, and I am a person of literary intrigue at heart. Seriously – if I could spend the rest of my life taking literature courses, I’d be the happiest person on the planet, but there are bills to pay, so for now I’m content teaching language arts.

The Take-Away

“There were genuine emotions – from multiple characters – that made the purple comet and all the aftereffects seem so real. This development of the characters and the plot could have been easily overlooked and kind of wiped on by as the novel progresses, but they are present and they are real. It gave the book heart.”

Read the entire review here.